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Nursery and Reception Open Mornings

EYFS open mornings take place every Thursday morning starting at 9.30am where you will been shown around the environment and we will answer any questions you may have. To book your space please complete the form below.



If you are looking for a Nursery place for your child please complete an application form below and return it to the school office. 

We admit children to the nursery in September at the beginning of the Autumn term and in January at the beginning of the Spring term. If there are spaces available. 

Nursery places are funded by the Government for 15 hours a week.  Our Nursery sessions run half day Monday - Friday either AM (8.50am until 11.50am) or PM (12.30pm -3.30pm). If you have a PM slot please ensure your child has eaten before they come to Nursery.  

We will be offering 30 hours extended Nursery for eligible children. If you are eligible for 30 Free hours please fill in the form and hand it into the school office.  

If you would like to pay a top up, so your child goes full time, it will cost £100 per week. We think this is a fantastic opportunity to extend your child’s day! A healthy and nutritious lunch is included in this fee.

Full time children will be in school Monday-Friday 8:45am until 3:30 p.m. 


Nursery Application     30 Hour Form



If you are looking for a reception class place for your child for September then you must apply to Southwark Council for a place.  Southwark Council school admissions information can be found below. 


Southwark Admissions     Reception Tour


In Year Admissions

If you wish to apply to Southwark Park Primary School during the school term and you currently attend a school in the Borough of Southwark please complete the In year application form and get it stamped by your children’s current school. 

We also ask that you complete the Pupil Premium form (this replaces the old Free School Meals form). Once both forms are completed please hand them into our school office. 

If you child currently attends a school in a different authority or you are new to the country then you apply to Southwark Council for a school place. Please click the Southwark Admissions link below for more details. 



Pupil Premium Form     Free School Meals


If you require more information our Admissions Policy can be found here.