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Welcome to Dragonfly Class


 Nursery Meet and Greet  Nursery Leaflet  Nursery Curriculum Overview 

To start the year, the children will be settling into nursery, learning the routines and getting to know each other and the staff. We will be reading a book called Owl Babies which is all about three Owl Babies who are worried when they wake up and find out that their mother is gone. 

As we move into Autumn 2, we will continue to build on our independent skills, managing our feelings and building our confidence. We will do this through story books and circle times. We will read the book Oh No George, which is all about a dog who tries to be good but is tempted by chocolate cake!

In the spring term we will be focusing on traditional tales and transport . We will be reading books about our topics and exploring fun activities too.

In the summer term, we will be focusing on growing and minibeasts. We are going to be learning all about the minibeasts living in our garden and we will be planting our own seeds too.

Evidence Me

Is how the Early Years Staff collect regular observations about children to help monitor the progress they make. For support on how to use this please click here. 

If you have any queries or questions about this year please come and see us.

Miss Casey