Year 2
Welcome to Bluebell and Daffodil Class
Year 2 Meet and GreetYear 2 LeafletYear 2 Curriculum Overview
This year the children will be working hard to make good progress through our curriculum. They will learn how to work more independently and how to apply their core skills across the curriculum. In English, pupils will draw inspiration from a range of fiction and non-fiction texts and curriculum topics. Drama will also be used to support their learning. They will learn to use a range of punctuation and varied vocabulary to make their writing more exciting to the reader. These will be taught and scaffolded throughout the year with the aim of children developing their independence and confidence. Lessons will be made accessible for all children through careful differentiation of resources and adult support to ensure every child experiences success. During the year, among many other things, we will be invaded by aliens, travel back in time to 1066 to learn about the great fire of London and even dive deep to investigate life under the sea.
In spring, we will be diving deep to explore underwater where we will be investigating life under the sea.
We will also learn about living things and their habitats. In history, we will use a range of sources to learn about the Suffragette Movement and focus on a person of historical significance: Emeline Pankhurst.
During the summer term we will be travelling across the ocean as we study a number of journeys including the historic Mayflower. We will enjoy island adventure’s and look at some exciting books to enhance our learning.
Throughout the year, we will visit Southwark Park to help our learning across the curriculum, especially in science, geography and English. Both classes will work with a specialist music teacher; this is an excellent opportunity for them to develop their musical understanding and ability.
In Mathematics, children will be building on knowledge and core skills learnt in Year 1, such as place value, number facts and addition and subtraction. This year there is a focus on consolidating the 2, 5 and 10 times table and introducing the 3 times table. By the end of the year the children should be secure in these. As they progress through the year, there will be opportunities for the children to explore word problems and employ their skills
Both classes have PE sessions on Wednesday and Thursday . Please can the children have their PE kit in routinely on these days – i.e. dark shorts/trousers (weather appropriate), white T shirt and trainers or plimsolls. We work through a mixed curriculum of gymnastics, dance, athletics, team games, travelling and balance skills.
Homework will be set on Thursday, on Google Classroom and Mathletics. Children will have their own log in details provided and these will be sent home as soon as the class teachers receive them. Children will be given homework that reflects what we have been learning in class during the week.
The children will read to adults on a regular basis, both in a group and independently. They will have the opportunity to change their books every day and will need to bring in their book bags with their reading records to school. Please read at home with your child for 10 minutes a day and record this in your child’s reading record, as this is the best way to support their learning. There is evidence to suggest that children that read consistently perform better at reading and writing.
We are very excited to have a fantastic year together in year 2!
Ms Grant and Miss Tyerman