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Year 3

Welcome to Robin and Sparrow Class


Year 3 Meet and GreetYear 3 LeafletYear 3 Curriculum Overview


We have planned many exciting topics for year 3 this year! To start the year off, the children will be settling into Year 3, learning new routines, getting to know the staff and revisiting expectations. 

As the children settle in, they will be developing their learning skills and confidence as independent learners. Our initial topic ‘Around Our World’ will give the children an opportunity to explore different traditional stories from a variety of cultures. This will support the children when they write their own fables. As the year progresses, we will continue to explore a range of writing styles to inspire and motivate the children. As we move into Autumn 2, we will journey back in time to the Stone Age! We will immerse the children into their learning by exploring Stone Age tools, creating cave paintings and recreating a Stone Age setting.

In Spring, Year 3 will be learning all about the Romans and their invasion of Britain. Nearing the end of the term, they will discover the unfortunate fate of Pompeii and investigate volcanoes and earthquakes.

In the summer term, the children will be taking to the stage when visiting the Globe theatre. They will use this exciting experience to support their writing linked to The Boy, The Bear, The Baron and The Bard. As the year draws to a close, the children will be exploring their local area and developing their understanding of various plants and wildlife.


This year Robin and Sparrow class will have P.E. on Fridays, where we will be focusing on developing balance, coordination and control. It is essential that your child has a full P.E. kit in order to participate. This consists of a white t-shirt, navy/black shorts and trainers. The children will need to change into their P.E. kit at school.

Year 3 will be going swimming every Monday morning throughout the year. These times will vary depending on the class. Please ensure your child has a swimming kit including swimming costumes/trunks, swimming hat, goggles and a towel.


Homework will be set on a Friday afternoon using Google Classroom and should be handed in by Wednesday. There will be skills practised based on class work. Spellings will reflect the topic and high frequency words. If your child is unable to access their online learning, a hard copy will be provided. Mathletics activities will also be set, this will mirror and support their learning in class.


Children will read to adults on a regular basis, in a group and independently. The children will have an opportunity to change books on a daily basis. They will need their book bags, including reading books and reading records, which they will need to write a comment in. Please encourage your child to read for enjoyment by sharing books with them daily. At Southwark Park we use Accelerated Reader, so children will be using iPads to do comprehension tests on all the books that they read to deepen their understanding.

We cannot wait for a fantastic year together in Year 3!

Ms Burgess and Ms Johnson