Year 5
Welcome to Beech and Willow Class
Year 5 Meet and GreetYear 5 LeafletYear 5 Curriculum Overview
At the beginning of the year, we focus on diversity and what diversity means at Southwark Park and in the wider community. This year, we have adopted a whole school approach using Zones of Regulation where the children will learn to identify and regulate their emotions with a range of strategies.
In English, pupils will draw inspiration from a range of fiction and non-fiction texts and curriculum topics. They will learn to incorporate higher level sentence skills such as subordinate and relative clauses and higher level punctuation skills such as commas, brackets and dashes. These will be taught systematically with the goal of independence by the end of the year. Lessons will be made accessible for all children through careful differentiation of resources and adult support to ensure every child experiences success.
In Mathematics, we begin by building upon the children’s existing knowledge of core skills such as multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. As they progress through the year, they will have a range of opportunities to apply these to reasoning and worded problems. are continuing to look at reasoning and mastery in all areas. We shall learn about these areas by working systematically, completing investigations and applying our understanding to real life situations.
In Science this year, we will be looking at how forces act on everyday objects, Earth and space, properties and changes of materials, animals including humans and living things and their habitats. We will take part in many investigations that incorporate knowledge from a range of areas. Another component of each unit involves the use of working scientifically such as taking precise measurements and recording accurate data.
Beech and Willow will have PE on Mondays (indoor) and Wednesdays (outdoor). Lessons will focus on teamwork and collaborative games, strength and flexibility and coordination. Please ensure children come to school with the correct uniform— blue/black shorts or tracksuits, white polo t-shirts and the correct footwear.
Reading is one of the most important skills taught in primary school. Please ensure your child reads quietly for 20-30 minutes each day. They need to record a comment about the section of the book they have read daily and you can support us by signing their reading diaries at least once a week.
Homework will be set weekly on Google classroom so that the children can share with you what they are doing in school while practising important skills. Grammar and punctuation activities will be sent home and Mathletics tasks will be set on Thursday each week. Homework should be completed and submitted to school by Tuesday the following week.
If you have any queries or questions about this year please come and see us!
Ms Matthews and Ms Harries