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Year 6 

Welcome to Maple and Sycamore Class


Year 6 Meet and Greet Year 6 Leaflet Year 6 Curriculum Overview

The classes will be taught by Ms Harries (Sycamore) and Ms Hall (Maple). The following adults will also support the children: Ms Lane, Ms Seriki, Ms Bowers and Ms Begum.

This year the children will be consolidating their knowledge from the previous years with a key focus in developing their knowledge, understanding and independence ready for the end of year SATs tests and secondary school. Being the most mature children within the school, showing responsibility, resilience and excellence will grant them more responsibilities within the class as well as the prestigious Year 6 Hoodie.

We will be focusing on the topics of diversity and The Vikings in Autumn term, Climate Change and Global Citizenship in Spring term and how early Islamic civilisations lead the way in art and architecture in Summer term. We follow an integrated approach where writing and curriculum lessons are used together to drive the topic and immerse the children in engaging activities that span a range of curriculum areas.


Both classes have outdoor PE sessions on Monday and indoor PE sessions on Tuesday. Please can the children have weather appropriate PE kit routinely on these days – i.e. dark shorts, black or grey jogging bottoms, white T shirt and trainers or plimsolls. We work through a mixed curriculum of gymnastics, dance, team and invasion games, other ball games and athletics.


Each week, on Thursday, children are given grammar and arithmetic homework on Google Classroom to be completed by the following Tuesday. Children are also expected to read for at least 25 minutes each evening and record their views of the book in their homework diary. Please encourage them to do this as it makes a huge impact on their learning!

If you have any queries or questions about this year please come and discuss this with us.

Ms Harries and Ms Hall