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We believe that learning is a lifelong process and should be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for everyone; it should be engaging and fun. Through our teaching we equip children with the skills, knowledge, and understanding they need in order to make informed choices and develop the critical thinking skills necessary to be contributing members of society. Across all disciplines, we support children with developing links between oracy, literacy, and numeracy. Lessons are designed to ensure there is ample time for application and independent learning to build confidence, perseverance, and determination in order for pupils to be successful and make learning their own. We support pupils in seeing mistakes as something that can enhance their learning. Through our lessons, children are able to think flexibly and are given opportunities to support and cooperate with each other in order to help understand the importance of nurturing good relationships and communication skills.

 Core Curriculum


























Our Curriculum Drivers






General knowledge is the foundation for learning as it supports deepening connections with existing concepts. Therefore, knowledge is a key aspect to our curriculum and lesson sequences. Teachers start units by gaining a sense of pupil’s understanding of previously taught lessons to solidify and build upon their existing knowledge. Vocabulary and knowledge are closely linked and lessons in all academic areas support children with learning content specific vocabulary that can be applied in future lessons. A rich vocabulary and wide knowledge base further develop our pupils with their reading and writing while supporting their ability to be curious, apply, and be critical. 




Our curriculum encourages children to be curious and ask questions to support their understanding, as well as the understanding of those around them. Teaching sequences are designed with opportunities for children to engage with open-ended activities where investigative thought, problem solving, and  trial and error are applied in order to construct new knowledge. Such teaching supports children with being naturally curious about the world around them in order to prepare them with the ability to persevere and grapple with challenging material. 




Children are presented with opportunities to apply newly acquired knowledge in a variety of different ways during lessons. The progression across the curriculum supports children with building on their prior knowledge. Where possible and when authentic links are presented, the curriculum supports children by connecting information from different academic domains to deepen their understanding across aspects of learning.  There are many opportunities for children to be imaginative, creative, and express themselves whilst applying their understanding in a variety of ways through the use of different mediums. Children have many opportunities to share and discuss their learning in authentic ways. 

Critical Thinking



Pupils are challenged to think critically during lessons and are supported with developing the cognitive skills necessary to consider options, make judgements and informed choices. Carefully considered strands of knowledge progress across the curriculum which enable children to be actively curious about new concepts, make inferences by synthesising information, and analysing opposing arguments or different ideas to support them with making informed decisions when drawing meaningful conclusions.   




We continue to review our curriculum to help ensure children of different backgrounds, abilities, and socioeconomic status are able to see themselves represented throughout lessons. We hope this helps all pupils know that there are limitless possibilities in life. Lessons are linked to the Rights of the Child to enable children to understand how our human rights and the rights of others should be respected in a way that promotes dignity of each other irregardless of our differences. We strive to help all pupils with being conscientious and responsible young citizens who are tolerant and respectful of others’ values and differences while ensuring equal opportunity to all.  




Throughout the curriculum, we help ensure children have a keen sense of their own progress, take pride with their achievement, and have a desire to succeed. We aspire to support children with limitless possibilities with their learning within school and the wider-world. The children are able to make effective links between school, home, and the community which encourages aspiration and high expectations. We try to connect units and academic disciplines to the real world so pupils are able to see what they can become and achieve beyond primary school.


To find out more about the curriculum taught in each year group, contact the school office, who will ensure that you are directed to the person most able to respond to your query.