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Our Governors

The role of the Governing Body

The school Governing Body meets each term to discuss important matters concerning the school, approve policies, examine the schools finances and monitor the teaching and progress of pupils within the school. The Governing Body establishes committees that focus on specific areas of school life. 

At Southwark Park we have a Curriculum committee that focuses on teaching and learning and a Resources Committee that focuses on finances, HR, Building management and Health and Safety.

The Department of Education overview of the Governing Body

The governing body has general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. This general responsibility gives rise to a range of specific responsibilities, which require the governing body to establish certain procedures.

Complaints (general and curriculum).

The governing body is required to have procedures in place for handling complaints of a general nature and to publicise the procedures.

Constitution of the governing body and instrument of government.

Statutory guidance on the School Governance (Constitution)(England) Regulations 2012 and the School Governance (Constitution)(England) Regulations 2007 (for schools where the governing body was constituted or varied its instrument of government before 1 September 2012) provide detailed information on how the governing body is constituted, the different types of governors and how they are appointed.

Committees formation, delegation and operation.

Although there are no statutory requirements for committees other than in relation to staff grievance and pupil discipline, many of the governing body's responsibilities and functions can be delegated to committees or individuals.

Standing orders and terms of reference.

Many of the requirements and responsibilities placed on governing bodies are covered by legislation and well defined by guidance and recommended procedures.

The Governance Handbook can be found here

Parents cannot attend Governing Body or Committee meetings. If they wish to raise an issue with the Governors they can do so by writing to them c/o the school. 

There are several different categories of Governor which are:

Parent Governors: selected by election (or appointment if insufficient people stand for election) and drawn from parents and carers of children at the school

Staff Governor: selected by election from teaching and support staff paid to work at the school

Co-opted Governors: appointed by the governing body to represent community or staff interests

Authority Governors: appointed by the local authority

Associate members (not Governors): appointed by the governing body to attend committee meetings and/or full governing body meetings due to their particular skills or experience.

The governing body must appoint a chair and vice-chair and may wish to make a number of other specific appointments to lead on certain aspects of the school.

Parent Governors serve a fixed year term once elected. If you are interested in becoming a school Governor please contact the Chair of Governors in writing via the school.

School Governors - Term of Office information

Governor attendance for academic year 2022-23

Those who have held a governing body position in the last 12 months but are no longer governors.

Governors - Other information