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The School Day

Please ensure that your child is in the school playground at 8:50 so they are ready to start learning promptly as late arrivals miss important learning and disturb their class. School finishes by 3:25 and all children are brought down to the playground by their class teacher for their parents to collect.

The total number of hours in a school week is 32.5 hours for all children in reception to Year 6.  

Please note: If you arrange for someone else to collect your child please tell the office in advance (before 3:00pm) and a message can be passed onto the class teacher. 

Please see below for a breakdown of the school day.


Reception and Key Stage 1

KS1children are collected from the relevant door where their teaching is waiting to greet them.  


KS2 children go straight up to class where their teacher greets them at their class door.